RELAB is one of the laboratories of “Politecnico di Milano” which addresses its offer to HVAC and domestic hot water production industries. It provides a wide range of test services aimed at the research and development of products and at the acoustic and performance evaluation in accordance to the most recent standards (such as EN 14511, EN14825, EN16147, EN1397, EN12309, EN16583 and EN12102) and European regulation (ECO design, ECO Label and ErP directives).
RELAB is a laboratory accredited (by ACCREDIA) since 2014 according to the standard EN ISO IEC 17025. It is also one of the recognized European laboratories for obtaining the European quality label “Heat Pump Keymak”.
RELAB facilities allow testing different types of appliances for residential, commercial and industrial uses such as heat pumps, liquid chillers, heat pumps for domestic hot water production, sorption heat pumps gas fired or thermally driven and fan coils. The laboratory is equipped for testing air conditioners and static air-to-air heat recovery exchangers as well.
RELAB intend to be one of the few, independent and accredited (according to the standard EN ISO IEC 17025) third-part Italian laboratories. It allows sector companies to reduce the costs of qualified personnel and facilities for performing tests on their products. It provides the experience of the Politecnico di Milano in the scientific field to support companies in the experimentation and in the research innovative and highly efficient solutions.
Operating ranges
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