Energy scenarios

An energy system is a set of processes and energy flows that delivers available energy to the end-use sectors (buildings, transportation, industry, etc.). As we need to move towards a low carbon future, we must transform how we generate, distribute and utilise energy. This challenge has profound implications for the environment, the society and the economy.
By using and developing energy system models, hourly simulation tools and data analyses, the Energy Scenarios’ area analyses possible evolution of energy systems over medium to long-term time horizons. The research group studies critical issues such as the integration of large shares of renewables into future energy systems, the role of more efficient technologies and innovative conversion processes, possible developments in end-use electrification and their systemic implications (e.g. electric vehicles, heat pumps). The analyses aim at providing indications on how to achieve national and international strategic targets, such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The working group collaborates and interacts with the most important stakeholders (private actors, research bodies, public institutions) involved in the sustainable energy transition at national level.

NEMeSI (National Energy Model for a Sustainable Italy) is the chronological model of the Italian energy system made within the activities of the area. The model, based on the open-source modelling framework oemof (see is publicly available for use, inspection and possible improvements at


PROJECTS (projects page):

  • MIF – Mediterranean Investment Facility – Egypt. (Component I)
  • TRIBOULET (Asse 3)
  • Affinamento della produzione e dell’analisi di scenari energetici ed emissivi a supporto della definizione e valutazione di politiche e misure per la riduzione delle emissioni nocive e climalteranti
  • Valutazione del potenziale di diffusione del teleriscaldamento efficiente su territorio nazionale includendo sistemi di nuova generazione con fonti di calore di scarto e rinnovabile
  • Analysis on new models for 4GDH in Italy: an innovative tool for the fast integration of the RES sources (4GDH)
  • Deep demonstrations of healthy and Clean Cities – Milan (DDMI)
  • i-GAP: italian + innovative + intelligent + impacting Gas Absorption Heat Pump


Move to other research areas:
Renewable Heating and Cooling systems
Energy efficient buildings
District Heating and Cooling
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)